3 Ways You Can Innovate By End Of Quarter

by Faisal Hoque for Fast Companyinnovation"Innovation" is a big, abstract target that means different things to different people and companies. What's more, "innovating" is arguably getting harder. You can't just build an app and market the hell out of it—software doesn't always cut it anymore. The bar has steadily risen, and clearing it in many cases now requires cutting-edge hardware, machine learning, and other expensive, high-tech gambits. Add to that mix a highly specialized domain focus, ready-to-use content, and expert help—all features companies increasingly have to turn to in order to distinguish themselves in the market.Here are three concrete steps you can take toward innovating on a shoestring budget, all before the first quarter of the year is out—and how you'll know they're working.1. FIND SOMETHING TO GIG-IFYThousands of freelancers are ready and willing to help with your projects. Plan on spending anywhere from $1,000 to $20,000 to get help with the most innovative content, product, or service you've got in the pipeline—or with any add-ons or market research you'll need in order to get those to market.


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