How To Hire The Right Innovation Trainer

by Lisa Bodell for ForbesAJ papeHave you ever attended an innovation workshop and wondered exactly how the inspirational hype would translate into your day-to-day work? Has a trainer ever given your employees plenty of innovation theory, but neglected to teach them the simple tools they need to create change and actually start innovating? For most organizations, innovation training is often synonymous with over-promises and under-delivery.So, how can you ensure that you’ll get help to reach your goals vs. receive a bunch of innovation hype? Here are the five must-know criteria for identifying a training pro whose right for you and your team:1. Got (the right) credentials? Innovation trainers have different skills than other trainers. First, they are up-to-date storytellers that live the zeitgeist of innovation. Their innovation content and examples have to be fresh (no 10-year-old business school case studies, please), and they have to have experienced innovation firsthand. How can they possibly teach people how to be innovative if they’ve never had to do it themselves?Read More →


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