Has Complexity Hijacked Your H.R. Department? Find Out In 5 Questions

By Lisa Bodell for Forbes

Are you among the 82% of companies that plan to hire this year? From manufacturing and healthcare to tech, 2021 has the potential to be a rebound year, according to the annual Future of Work report from Monster. Will your organization make a strong comeback or suffer from the same status-quo strategies that plagued it before COVID?

As a CEO and the author of Why Simple Wins, I’ve studied the effects of complexity on employees and leaders — and witnessed a familiar pattern, regardless of industry. New hires at all levels enter with high hopes and energy. For the first six months, they’re eager to contribute and willing to challenge any system or process that slows them down. But after a year or so, when they realize the full weight of the complexity they’re up against, they become increasingly frustrated and defeated. From here, it’s only a matter of time before they exit stage left.

If a constantly revolving door describes your company, explore the following Q&A focused on Human Resources. Organizations of any size can use it, from start-ups to multinational corporations, and it should be completed by the CHRO, head of H.R. or another relevant leader with the power to make change. Your answers will reveal how complicated your H.R. ecosystem is — and where the traffic jams are. From there, you’ll discuss with your team and determine solutions.

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