Simplifiers Possess These 6 Traits. How Many Do You Have?

by Lisa Bodell for Forbes

The global health crisis has forced leaders to rethink their organizations, and according to research from BCG, simplifying operations will remain key in the “new now.” While less complexity can boost job satisfaction for employees who are currently working from home, a simplified workplace also yields long-term benefits like stronger consumer loyalty and better employee retention.

Through the process of researching and writing Why Simple Wins, I interviewed more than 100 senior leaders across the world. I discovered that the most effective simplifiers in leadership share a set of common traits that increase their odds of successfully reducing complexity in their orgs. Of the six attributes below, which do you already possess?

1. Courage. You’re comfortable with change and the unknown, and you regularly challenge the status quo. When a person, place or process is needlessly complex, you aren’t afraid to speak up. The bravery shown by Tesco grocery stores’ former CEO Dave Lewis — who reduced inventory by 30% to compete with Aldi — offers a real-world example of this characteristic.

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