Wells Fargo Hosts Simplicity Boot Camps for Employees

by  for Business InsiderImage Courtesy of Mike Mozart:FlickrMark McCormick believes in innovation just as much as the next businessperson, but not the kind that requires fancy gizmos or complicated gadgets to get there.McCormick, a senior vice president at Wells Fargo, believes personal and professional progress is achieved through a life of simplicity — and he thinks other Wells Fargo staff should get on board, too.Ever since he attended a conference in China in 2014, where he learned about the benefits of a pared-down lifestyle, McCormick has directed his energy toward making Wells Fargo a bank that runs on less — less complexity, less red tape, and, ultimately, less stress.His latest rollout: monthly boot camps designed to help employees simplify their jobs and their lives."It's ultimately about the ROI of simplicity, and how simplicity drives value," McCormick says, emphasizing that personal satisfaction and peace of mind can translate into greater customer satisfaction, and, therefore, revenue.His example: fraud claims.When people call their bank to report a fraud case, they need the employee on the other end to be a source of calm, McCormick says. At Wells Fargo, that was proving difficult.Read More →


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