3 Shortcuts for Embracing the New World of Hybrid Learning

by Lisa Bodell for Training Industry

The critical importance of employee learning and development (L&D) was reinforced during the pandemic, according to LinkedIn Learning’s latest workplace report. And in the new world of work, today’s L&D professionals are combining best practices from in-person and remote learning experiences.

Among the most popular upskilling and engagement programs this year are those which combine live, in-person, virtual and on-demand solutions for a truly hybrid learning approach. In an industry that’s evolving to keep pace with new challenges, the pro tips below are designed to simplify the steps toward hybrid learning.

1. Create skill-specific learning paths. This tactic produced the strongest employee engagement in 2020, as reported by LinkedIn Learning, so make it easy for your own employees to find and follow learning paths that appeal to them. Invent your own paths or take inspiration from the top three accessed by global learners this year: Increase Productivity; Drive Growth and Innovation; and Collaborate Effectively.

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