Give a Presentation That Will Close Every Deal

by Marc Wayshak for 33584677495_3c96711cbd_zEven if you think your sales approach is perfect, you'll never reach your full closing potential without a strong presentation. Check out these quick tips for a fail-proof presentation:1. Keep it short.One of the many myths old-school sales trainers spread is that salespeople must show tons of enthusiasm about their product or service in order to close more sales. Unfortunately, for most salespeople, showing enthusiasm means rambling on in their presentations for far too long. When you drone on about your product or service in your presentation, you're not engaging prospects--or closing sales. Instead, keep your presentation as short as possible. Only focus on the items your prospect cares most about, and put everything else out of your mind.2. Only present solutions.If you're not sure what to cut from your presentation, look at it from your prospects' point of view. They only care about their deepest frustrations and how to solve them--so that's all you need to focus on in your presentation. Otherwise, you run the risk of overselling as you try to explain features and benefits that your prospect has no interest in. Dig into each prospect's challenges, and then only present solutions to those challenges.Read More →


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