The Best H.R. Software For Your Business


by Brian Rashid for Forbesshutterstock_270307373 copyTechnology has allowed for massive strides to be made in terms of internal organization and HR processes. What was once limited to stacks of paper and dusty old filing cabinets has now been streamlined on the Internet. The question though is which service is right for you and your company.Each of the following options has proven to be a category leader with some (or all) of the following elements: ease of use, dependable customer service, encompassing feature set, and competitive price. So look for the provider that best suits your specific needs.1. All-Around HR Software SuiteAs far as all-in-one HR platform goes, is your best bet. The founders of the company are UI/UX designers, and it shows in the platform. Modern, easy to use, and able to balance all aspects of internal HR: hiring, onboarding, tax forms, document management, paid time off tracking, benefits management, and to top it off, syncs with your existing payroll for a seamless experience. So whether you are looking for an all encompassing suite to handle HR front to back, or are looking for a tool that will up your employee onboarding experience, this is the move.2. Managing PayrollFor managing only payroll, look no further than ADP or Paychex. Both are recognized by the industry as trustworthy brands that have a proven track record with performing this one task very, very well.Read More →


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