8 Email Templates for Saying 'No' at Work

Oh, you too?Well, fortunately, I’m here to help. I’ve pulled together eight email templates that’ll help you say “no” in a variety of work scenarios. Customize them to your unique situation, and suddenly turning things down will be less stressful.1. WHEN YOU’RE ASKED TO TAKE ON EXTRA WORK BY A COLLEAGUE
Hello [Name],Thanks for thinking of me for [project]. However, I’m going to have to turn this down.I want to ensure I continue to do my best with my existing workload and my plate’s a little too full for me to be able to take this on right now.Sorry I can’t be of more help!Best,[Your name]
Hey [Name],Thanks so much for the invite! I really appreciate you thinking of me.Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it to [event] on [date]. But thanks again for sending an invitation my way.Hopefully we can get together another time.Cheers,[Your name]