10 Management Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School

By Martin Zwilling for Inc.
I've been a manager in business for many years, and like most of you, I've also had my share of bad managers, as well as a few good ones.As a result, I'm certainly convinced that engaging, retaining, and developing people for maximum performance is one of the toughest jobs you will ever have. I'm also convinced that the conventional wisdom for best practices isn't always right.I was pleased to find a new book on this topic, "Managing to Make a Difference," by Larry Sternberg and Kim Turnage, which manages to highlight some of the more pragmatic but unconventional insights on how to get better results, and still grow the respect of your team.Here are ten tips which may surprise many of you, but I have found to be real difference-makers:1. Go ahead, get close to the people you manage.New managers are generally taught not to build personal relationships with direct reports -- in case you have to discipline them later. I believe that a relationship makes it more likely they will trust your guidance, including corrective behavior, before anyone needs to resort to disciplinary action.2. Don't get involved in mediating relationship conflicts.In my experience, this is definitely an area where "no good deed goes unpunished." Managers often get sucked into relationship conflicts by trying to "manage" employees, instead of encouraging direct communication. Focusing on problems only magnifies negativity in your organization.Read More →

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