3 Simple Productivity Tips from Google Employees

1. Time ManagementWith so many different initiatives, it's easy to imagine the typical Googler working crazy hours. However, I was surprised to find that plenty of employees are intentional about how they make the most of their time--and not only their "catch up on email" block of time on their calendar.

In a Huffington Post article, Jeremiah Dillon, Head of Product Marketing for Google at Work, tells his employees to set aside what he calls Make Time. This is time where he wants his team to manage less and behave more like makers. To get the most out of it, he suggests the following schedule:

- Monday: Energy ramps out of the weekend—schedule low-demand tasks like setting goals, organizing, and planning.- Tuesday, Wednesday: Peak of energy—tackle the most difficult problems, write, brainstorm, schedule your Make Time.- Thursday: Energy begins to ebb—schedule meetings, especially when consensus is needed.- Friday: Lowest energy level—do open-ended work, long-term planning, and relationship building.

If you're struggling to balance meetings and actually get stuff done, give this a try. As Dillon says, even a quick meeting when you're in the groove can derail your entire day. Read More →


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