11 Things Every CEO Should Know About Disruption

by Gordon Tredgold for Inc.The first thing to remember about disruption is that it's a two-way street. Either you are the disrupter, or you are being disrupted.Which means I mean that if you aren't making things happen you, or your company, then someone is probably going to put you out of business right under your nose-with a lower price point and better business plan.This is true for every company, in every industry.I recently spoke with Aaron Pierson, Digital Strategy Direct of Vitals Agency, who specializes in disruption and he shared his thoughts on the topic: "Right now, at this very moment, either your company is disrupting the marketplace, or you're actively being disrupted. This isn't meant to be fear-based, but it's the reality of the situation. Between the pace at which technology advances and the rate at which ideas are generated, disruption is truly a natural cause of the times."If you're comfortable in your business, you need to be thinking about who knows you're comfortable and how they are planning to make you uncomfortable. There is a constant ebb and flow of disruption and being disrupted."According to Aaron, here are eleven things every CEO needs to know about disruption.Read More →


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