10 Words or Less: Job Descriptions Get Simplified

by Chris Myers for ForbesAlan Levine (1)Startups and small businesses are dynamic environments that require people to think on their feet, identify challenges, and take unilateral action on a regular basis.That’s why we’ve abandoned traditional job descriptions at my company, BodeTree. Instead, every employee shares the simple, ten-word job description: “Figure out what needs to be done, and do it.” Here’s why.Creating a culture of empowerment While many leaders pay lip service to the concept of empowerment, they rarely create the infrastructure and culture necessary to make it a reality.I’ve learned time and time again that expectations need to be made exceptionally clear. Inside of any organization, ambiguity is the enemy of decisive action.Leaders who are truly committed to empowerment must make it clear to team members that they’re willing to accept the outcome of a decisive action, be it good or bad.When I say that I want my team to “figure out what needs to be done and do it,” I mean it. Sometimes that means we’ll make mistakes, but that is okay. I’d rather make a mistake than never take action.Read More →


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