How STEAM Can Shape Creative Leaders

by Carrie Maslen for Insights SamsungCreative leadership is a universally sought after skill. It’s crucial to the success of individuals, departments and even entire companies. Today’s employers want candidates bold enough to try new approaches to old problems, and old (but effective) approaches to new problems. However, when it comes to challenging students to think outside the box, soft skills like creativity are often overlooked.While STEM-based education programs help students develop essential science, math and analytical thinking skills, they don’t always provide them with the creative experiences they need to look at the world in new ways. In order to help bridge the growing disparity between education and the changing needs of the job market, educators have been looking to integrate art into STEM curriculum — creating the movement known as STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) education.STEAM is about more than just teaching students to paint or draw. While fine arts programs are beneficial to students regardless of where they come from or how they learn, implementing any form of art into your curriculum encourages students to think differently or approach a problem in a new way.Read More →


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