Simple Ways for Leaders to Cut Through Complexity

by Michael Mink for Investors Business DailyComplexity MazeComplexity is actually killing companies' ability to innovate and adapt. It's why simplicity is fast becoming the competitive advantage of our time.That's from Lisa Bodell, author of "Why Simple Wins: Escape the Complexity Trap and Get to Work That Matters." Bodell is also the founder and CEO of Futurethink, which assists organizations to embrace change and innovate."By learning how to eliminate redundancies, communicate with clarity, and make simplification a habit, individuals and companies can recognize which activities are time-sucks and which create lasting value (by) doing things that matter," she said.Tips on making simple pay off:Implement a new perspective. Leaders have an obligation to make work as simple as possible for colleagues around them, Bodell states.Add a new "Golden Rule," she recommends: "Use others' time just as you would want your time used."Smart leaders know that successful simplification is about "enabling employees to do more of the work they're excited to complete," Bodell adds.Set the example. Complicated organizations tend to be overloaded with people who claim they can't get things done because they need more time or analysis, Bodell has found. Or they say another department hasn't signed off, another team hasn't sent them the specifications, etc.Read More → 


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