The Simple Secret To Reclaiming Your Time

by William Arruda for Forbes32527387523_1cb49bfb35_zHere are the highlights from my recent interview with Cali Williams Yost, CEO and founder of Flex+Strategy Group and Work+Life Fit and the author of Tweak It: Make What Matters to You Happen Every Day.William Arruda: Everyone says, “Boy, I wish I had some work-life balance.” And I know you don't love that word "balance." You call it "work+life fit." Share a little bit about why.Cali Williams: Balance doesn't work because there's no 50-50 split. Everybody has a different set of work realities and personal realities at any given time, so how those all fit together in an active, deliberate, intentional way is going to look unique.I’ve been creating flexible work places for over two decades. And during that time, I would always meet people who seem to be able to fit it all together. “The Naturals” are truly mystified why this is hard. They intuitively understand how to put these micro-allocations of their time, their money, their energy and these micro-boundaries around all the different parts of their life.Arruda: Talk a little bit more about micro-boundary setting.Williams: A Natural would sit back and say, “What do I have going on at work? What am I trying to accomplish in my personal life? I really haven't been to the gym in a while. So, I'm going to leave maybe half an hour early from work, so that I can get to a yoga class.” That's a micro-boundary. That's also a micro-allocation of your time and your energy and your money; you're paying for the class.Read More →


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