Leverage Employee Insights to Improve Customer Experience

By  for TLNTSmart marketers know that a focused, robust strategy for customer experience (CX) should be a priority. In fact, 67% of large companies report that they expect increased spending on CX during 2017. Brands are finally recognizing the importance of really listening to the customer, and putting their money where their mouths are.But that’s still not enough.Even though companies are starting to completely tune in to their customers, they often ignore a critical stakeholder with broad knowledge and experience with the brand: the employees themselves. Most leaders agree that engaged employees, brand ambassadors in their own right, create happy customers.Take Nordstrom for example. Competing in the hyper-competitive retail sphere, it maintains its competitive advantage leveraging an asset most companies fail to utilize: their employees. Matching organizational strategy (customer service) to execution (on-site employees), Nordstrom’s deploys thousands of brand ambassadors that are the key to making their company competitive.Read More →


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