Gallup's Workplace Poll: Only 33% of America's Employees are Engaged

by Jim Clifton for The Chairman's BlogGallup-state-of-worker-cover-illustration-700x467The very practice of management no longer works.The old ways–annual reviews, forced rankings, outdated competencies–no longer achieve the intended results. The best American organizations are discovering the old ways aren't right for the future.The American workforce has more than 100 million full-time employees. One-third of those employees are what Gallup calls engaged at work. They love their jobs, enjoy their teams and customers, contribute, have great ideas, believe in the mission, feel their job uses their strengths -- and they make their organization and America better every day.At the other end, 16% of employees are actively disengaged–they are miserable in the workplace and seem to exist only to destroy what the most engaged employees are building. The remaining 51% of employees are not engaged–they're just there. These figures indicate an American leadership philosophy that simply doesn't work anymore.Here's my short answer as to how to transform your workplace culture and double the number of engaged employees:

1. Call an executive committee meeting and commit to transforming your workplace from old command-and-control to one of high development and ongoing coaching conversations.

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