5 Easy Ways To Boost Remote Productivity

by Lisa Bodell for ForbesWomen

According to Stanford economist Nicholas Bloom, the newly remote employees of America are encountering a host of productivity challenges. From childcare responsibilities and domestic distractions to a lack of home-office space, just being present for daily Zoom meetings can itself seem like a second job. Add the expectation that your team will still achieve its quarterly goals and deliver open projects on time, and it’s not hard to see how teams can get overwhelmed.

By making simple changes to your own work habits and managerial approach, you can reduce the fatigue and burnout that so many employees are facing. And while you can find more ideas and in-depth research in my book, Why Simple Wins, the following five tactics have particular relevance for our current remote workforce.1.    Establish daily priorities each morning.A recent MIT study found that the most productive people establish their top priorities before starting their workday. When you begin your morning by identifying three to five goals, you’re less likely to be distracted by the interruptions that come with working from home. You’re also more likely to stay on task and achieve your intended priorities.

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