The Future of Work: 10 HR Trends For 2017

by Jeanne Meister for Forbes17105112479_e1d75e1d50_zToday, almost every company is undergoing a digital transformation. Cloud and mobile computing, artificial intelligence, and increasing automation have created the potential to transform nearly every aspect of a business. A survey of CEOs conducted by Fortune asked whether they thought their company was a “technology company” and 67% of CEOs said YES!The same can be said for forward-looking HR departments like those at IBM and General Electric. HR leaders such as Diane Gherson at IBM and Susan Peters at General Electric, are transforming HR to deliver an employee experience that is human centered, uses the latest digital technologies, and is personalized, compelling, and memorable.According to Forrester, 47% percent of executives surveyed believe that by 2020, digital will have an impact on more than half their sales. We see how digital has transformed media, retail, transportation and education. Now it’s HR’s turn.Read More →


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