This Card Game Can Make Your Work More Meaningful

by Rich Bellis for Fast CompanyIMG_0929"I care more about my family and my career than I do about my friends—and myself," Jennifer McLennan, director of Design and Development at ‎Marriott, remarked yesterday afternoon, with some alarm. That hadn’t occurred to her before. McLennan was poring over a loose grid of cards, each printed with a value, like "Ambition" and "Courage" and "Peace," that she’d arranged on the table before her from most to least important."I don’t know if that means I’m f*cked up!"It probably doesn’t. Live in the Grey is a consultancy geared to helping businesses create more "authentic workplaces" through better teamwork and more honest, transparent communication. It sees that process as a bottom-up rather than top-down effort, which means it has to start with self-examination on the individual level—an experience that Fast Company Innovation Festival attendees got a taste of in an exercise at Live in the Grey's offices yesterday afternoon.That's where the company's custom deck of 72 "value" cards comes in.Read More →


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