Can’t Get That Task Done? Give Yourself Less Time

by Craig Jarrow for Time Management NinjaLess TimeIt happens to all of us.You get to the end of your day and you still didn’t get to that one task. The important one that you said you would do today.You had plenty of time. In fact, you had several blocks of unscheduled time. You just couldn’t get yourself to do it.When you reach the end of your day, that task still isn’t done.You had plenty of time. And maybe that was the problem: you had too much time.The next time you find yourself unable to get tasks done, try giving yourself less time to complete them.Here are some tips to drive your productivity:

  • Set a Deadline… even if there isn’t one – Nothing creates action and motivation like a deadline. Even if your task does’t have a deadline, give it one anyway. And set it well in advance of when you want to get the work done.
  • Make an Appointment – Confining a task to a specific time slot on your calendar not only makes sure you will get to it, but also limits the time allowed for that particular item.

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