Be A Better Leader by Following These 4 Principles

by Pat Rigsby for ForbesYou’re steering the ship, you’re choosing the course, you’re making the final calls. And that’s an awesome responsibility. You’re the ultimate decision-maker, and those decisions can’t help but have a huge impact on not only your success but the success of the people who work for you.But most of us are ill-prepared for that kind of leadership role. Instead, we get thrown into the deep end and are forced to find our way without much experience in or knowledge about how to effectively lead.That was certainly the case with me when I became a college baseball coach at age 23. I certainly didn’t know what I was doing at first, so I had to sort out what worked and what didn’t. I did that by watching other coaches and by reading books by respected leadership experts. Most importantly, I learned by doing, every single day on the field.Over time, I absorbed some core principles about leadership that have helped me launch over 25 different business and have served me well.1. The golden rule still works.Treat people the way you’d want to be treated. Think about what motivated you to over-deliver over the years. I’m willing to bet a positive approach, backed up by a genuine interest in your success, gave you the confidence you needed to improve and grow to become the success you are today – and it will do the same for your staff.Read More → 


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