Quiz: Does Your Remote Team Operate Smoothly?

by Lisa Bodell for Forbes

Despite encouraging research about WFH productivity levels in 2020, studies also suggest a decline in job satisfaction this past year. With a large percentage of the workforce remaining remote, leaders must act on opportunities for improving the work lives of our team members.

As the author of several leadership books (and a TED Talk or two), my go-to technique for identifying quick wins is a short quiz. Any size organization can use it, from start-ups to multinational corporations, but it should be completed by at least one person in a leadership role. The answers will reveal how smoothly your team operates — and specific areas that need simplifying. As a group, you’ll discuss and determine solutions.

Start by answering the 10 statements below with either “Consistently,” “Sometimes,” “Rarely” or “Never.” Be brutally honest in your assessments.

  1.  My ability to perform my job isn't stifled by the day-to-day rules of how things operate in our workplace.

  2. I'm encouraged/I encourage my team to identify and eliminate redundancies or unnecessary policy and reports wherever possible.

  3. At our company, expense sign-off levels are reasonable. Managers’ time isn't wasted signing off on low-value items.

  4. Once I have approval for something new (higher capital expense ,etc.), I don't need to ask permission for it again.

  5. Decision-making processes within the organization are clear, quick and don't require excessive layers of approval.Read More →


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