9 HR Tactics for Less Workplace Complexity

by Lisa Bodell for HR Daily Advisorfiles-1A recent Boston Consulting Group survey of global organizations found that procedures, vertical layers, interface structures, coordination bodies, and approvals have increased by as much as 350 percent in the past 15 years. To battle workplace complexity, HR can’t afford to view simplification as a one-off project: it must become our daily mindset.Through my innovation work at futurethink (and research for my new simplification book), I’ve identified proven ways to turn simplicity into a habit. These don’t require long-winded seminars: just the desire to reduce complexity and a willingness to experiment with new behaviors (several of which are in use at HBO, Accenture, and Novartis).Via the HR division, your employees at the senior and managerial level can be trained in tools and behaviors designed to enable individuals and departments to simplify faster. Review the following nine tactics and choose three that will address the biggest time-sucks or employee pain points in your organization:Read More →


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