6 Essential Behaviors Of Collaborative Leaders

by Carol Kinsey Goman for ForbesMost executives agree that collaboration is more important than ever in today's turbulent business environment. In fact, a company's very survival may depend on how well it can combine the potential of its people and the quality of the information they possess with their ability — and willingness — to share that knowledge throughout the organization. Deloitte’s recent Future of Work research find 65% of the C-Level executives surveyed have a strategic objective to transform their organization’s culture with a focus on connectivity, communication, and collaboration.But collaboration doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It takes strategic leadership. Whether you are an executive, team leader, or first-line supervisor in an organization looking to build a more collaborative culture, the requirements for your job have changed.In contrast to control-minded leaders of the past, today’s most effective leaders are exercising a different kind of power. As one Silicon Valley CEO told me: “There is absolutely nothing wrong with command and control. It’s simply irrelevant in the 21st century.” The new leadership is a blending of personal and interpersonal skills that form the basis of your ability to impact, influence, and inspire others.Read More → 


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