Do These 5 Things Right Now to Be Employable in a Decade

Smart devices, cloud-based platforms, and the way we work have been transformed over the past decade, but it’s difficult to know exactly what the workplace will look like in 10 years. According to Barbara Mistick, president of Wilson College and coauthor of Stretch: How to Future-Proof Yourself for Tomorrow’s Workplace, keeping yourself marketable and relevant for a long career is a constant process of evaluation, education, and adaptation. Here’s how to be prepared for—and even ahead of—what comes next.1. PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT’S GOING ON IN (AND OUTSIDE) YOUR INDUSTRYThe first thing you need to do is evaluate the best sources of information about your industry or career path, Mistick says. Which conferences, organizations, websites, publications, or other resources have the best and most insightful information and resources? Connect with those resources so that you’re staying apprised of the information they have to offer.Read More →