5 Simple Things The Most Respected Bosses Do Every Day

by Chris Dessi for Inc.Hi-Res Happy LadyWe can all rattle off qualities we absolutely hated in our old bosses quicker than we can the good ones. Like it or not, those awful bosses are what brought us here to where we are now.Whether you have three employees or 300 doesn't matter. You should always strive to be the most incredible boss you can be every single day. Here's how:1. Can you hear me now?The best leaders don't just listen, they hear you. When employees feel heard, they feel like an important part of the team. Participation increases and so does morale.Some believe that authority is commanded by the loudest voice, but the most respected bosses take the time to listen first.2. A solid foundationUnpredictability does not a good foundation make. The best bosses maintain a level of consistency throughout the business. Consistency and clear communication from the top trickle down throughout the organization and creates confidence across the board.Employees always know what is expected of them and what they can expect from the company.3. Fill in the blanksThe most compelling and respected bosses allow space. They delegate instead of micro managing, letting employees fill in the blank spaces and encourage room for free thinking.Read More →


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