5 Signs of Leadership Ability (Just Ask Any Employee)

by Marcel Schwantes for Inc.comshutterstock_495518986Great leaders are the kind who demonstrate best-in-class behaviors identified in the research of those leading the most profitable companies on the planet. They are often referred to as servant leaders, conscious leaders, authentic leaders, or transformational leaders. Whatever you call them, one thing is for sure: their helm releases discretionary effort across an organization. That's good for business.Such leaders shine the spotlight on other people. They don't want the attention, and they share their power and status to benefit the people under their care. While there are countless leadership practices that lead to great outcomes, for this discussion, I'll narrow it down to five:1. They spread joy and drive fear away.Joy is the feeling you get in a highly collaborative environment where people respect one another, where there's real teamwork among colleagues who encourage each other, where co-workers share the same values, and there's constant synergy in the air. Next thing you know, you look up, it's 5:30 p.m., and the place is still buzzing with energy and excitement, and people find it hard to pull away and go home. That is joy! And leaders create the environment for this to happen.Read More →


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