5 Reasons You Can't Find Time to Actually Do Your Work at Work

By Jeff Pruitt for The Musenot-enough-time-for-workIn a perfect world, our jobs would be so challenging and engaging that we’d show up, hunker down, get creative, and clock out without losing focus for even a minute.Unfortunately, we live in the real world, so distractions from myriad sources are part of the daily routine. Time management isn’t a skill that’s often taught in the classroom, and every workplace environment has a different definition for what’s considered “wasting time.” For the most part, workers are left to their own devices (no pun intended) to balance productivity and daily breaks.From the technology in our pockets to the teammate sitting right next to us, we’re constantly enticed to spend our time not doing work, at work. Here are five all-too-common time black holes that pull us away from being as productive as we could be, and how to get stuff done in spite of them.Read More →


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