Do These 4 Simple Things for Better Engagement

by David Lee for TLNTshutterstock_289559528Managers often find themselves puzzled and frustrated by what they see as unmotivated employees; employees who just don’t seem to care. Because it’s a rare person who will say “You know, I feel really unappreciated when you do X,” managers never get the direct feedback that could allow them to be more thoughtful and appreciative.That’s why I’ve written this article and others that tell stories about important managerial moments of truth that can boost or damage morale and engagement, depending on how they are handled.I hope this helps you become even more aware of opportunities to show employees you see and appreciate them engaging in the behaviors that make them a pleasure to work with, and help make your organization successful.

  1. Practice being more mindful of opportunities to respond with acknowledgment and appreciation. Use language that communicates “I noticed and appreciate that good thing you just did.”
  2. Ask your employees for input on what actions by managers they’ve had in their careers made them feel unappreciated and what ones made them feel appreciated.



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