10 Habits of the Most Successful Leaders

By Andrew Thomas for Inc.Many of the world's top companies are led by great leaders—see Elon Musk, Arianna Huffington, and Bill Gates for examples. It takes great leadership to create a world-changing vision and inspire the people necessary to execute on that vision. Both your personal success, and the success of your company, are based on your ability as a leader.

While many leaders possess innate leadership skills, the rest of us become great leaders by adopting the mindsets and habits that great leaders share.Here's a list of habits and behaviors that remarkable leaders make a part of their daily life.1. They put customers firstSuccessful companies are run by leaders that put customers first, even ahead of profits. Confident leaders know that doing the right thing by their customers will result in great outcomes for their business. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is a great example of this.2. They know life's ultimate goalThe best leaders are not driven by external validation. Their ultimate goal is living a life of personal growth and fulfillment. They know that progress is made over time, and that they are works in progress themselves.3. They live with integrityGood leaders gain the trust and respect of their team members by consistently doing what they say, and saying what they do. Don't underestimate this point. Trust is everything when leading a team or company.Read More →


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